NEWS FROM THE Royal Historical Society Bibliography
A message from the Academic Editor about free trails of the new Bibliography of British and Irish History
You will doubtless be aware of the impending withdrawal of the free service provided by the RHS Bibliography of British History, and its rebranding as the Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH), the result of a partnership between the Royal Historical Society, the Institute of Historical Research, and Brepols Publishers. The switch over will occur on 1 January 2010.
We are delighted to announce that individual free trials of BBIH are available from now until 31 December. Please go to [a:http://apps.brepolis.net/LTool/Entrance.aspx?w=19&h=pwd] and use the following login and password :
Your login: BBIH06
Your password: BBIH06
Institutional trails by IP address range are also available; please contact [a:mailto:brepolis@brepols.net] for more information.
We entered into the partnership with Brepols, after considerable deliberation, with the aim of securing the long term future of the Bibliography, as well as significantly enhancing the quality of the resource. Brepols was chosen by the RHS and IHR because of its long-standing expertise in producing high-quality databases....
Among the enhancements offered by the new BBIH are significantly faster searching, an auto-complete function, an auto-record count per search field, and extended export possibilities. A detailed brochure describing BBIH can be downloaded [a:http://www.brepols.net/publishers/pdf/Brepolis_BBIH_EN.pdf] here. You can also view the slides from my [a:http://weblearn.ox.ac.uk/site/human/modhist/personnel/785598/research/Presentation%20on%20Bibliography%20of%20British%20and%20Irish%20History%20at%20NACBS,%206%20November%202009.ppt]
You may wish to take up the issue of subscription with your librarians who should contact [a:mailto:brepolis@brepols.net]brepolis@brepols.net for information on pricing (institutional subscriptions in the US are based on the Carnegie classification of institutions, those in the UK on JISC banding. Individual subscriptions are also available.) It's possible that the RHS Bibliography (as a free resource) has not been very visible to librarians, so you may need to engage in some local lobbying!! <以下、中略>
Ian Archer
Academic Editor, BBIH