Dear Kazu
I sent you the name and address of Edward's former research assistant Malcom Thomas . . <中略>. . but I thought I should tell you that I have just had a
'phone call from his wife to say that he died yesterday.
He was only 67 and apparently in reasonable health. His wife didn't know whether you had been in touch as she is not an academic and doesn't keep in detailed touch with his academic work.
He was a delightful man and his death will be a loss but his files will be full of unpublished material - he was too much of a perfectionist to publish much of his work.
Best wishes Dorothy Th.
このマルカムの次のリサーチ助手が E. E. Doddで、後者とのコレスポンデンスがウォーリク大学にあって9月に読みに行ったのです。Moral economy 論議をめぐってそちらで判明しない事柄はしっかりマルカム君に尋ねなくては、と考えながら後回しにしていた。ぼくは一種、現代の切迫したオーラル・ヒストリをやっているのだという自覚が不足していました。油断してると当事者はどんどん消えてゆく! 反省します。
. . . thank you for letting me know the truth.
I now realize that Edward acknowledged both 'the late E. E. Dodd' and
'Malcolm Thomas . . . whose gifted services I was once fortunate to have as a research assistant' in his Customs in Common.
I just regret that I should have come in touch much sooner.
Thank you again and please take good care of yourself.

それにしてもアナログ時代の写真の管理は、よほどしっかりしないと迷宮入り。Wick Episcopi で
EPT夫妻と一緒に撮った写真はどこかに隠れてしまい、その白黒ゼロックスの何度も複写したものしか手元にはない!? これまたひどい話、なんとかしたい。
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