
Statement of Support for Japanese scholars from the UK


Dear Colleagues,

In case you have not already seen it the IHR has joined with the Royal Historical Society, the Economic History Society and the Social History Society in issuing a joint statement (see http://www.history.ac.uk and below) expressing our sympathy with you and the history community more widely in Japan.
Please do let me know if there is any practical assistance we can give. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

Best wishes, Miles Taylor

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近藤 さんのコメント...

Dear Miles,

Thank you for your message and the joint statement of historical societies in the UK. I appreciate your sympathy.

Certainly life is different after 11 March, but we're confident that difficulties will be overcome.
The Japanese is a great nation, civilized and competent.

There's been some development made for the organization of the Anglo-Japanese Conference of Historians 2012, and I'll write to you more soon.
